Other Settings

There are several other settings you can select related to Workspaces.

To access the Workspaces Other settings:

  1. Go to Administration > Application Settings > Workspaces > Other Settings.

Require a document category when checking in documents: Document categories are configured to group documents by type for easy reference. If this option is checked, ensure you have set up all necessary document categories so a valid value is always available. If this option is unchecked, employees may optionally choose a document category provided values exist. If values do not exist, the field does not display when creating or loading a document.

Require a comment when checking in document revisions: The comment field is optional unless this option has been selected. Requiring a comment on document revisions helps enforce policies such as including a summary of changes on the document history.

Require a message body when creating a new message or replying: The Workspaces application enables discussions to be entered and tracked. Checking this option prevents empty messages from being created, which may also trigger notifications to employees involved in the discussion depending on the alert settings within the workspace.

Add the customer name in auto-created project workspaces: When creating a project, the project creator is given the option to create an associated workspace. By default, the name of the workspace includes the project name and the base workspace name, if one was copied. Selecting this switch also includes the client name in the name of the workspace. This is helpful if you have projects with similar or the same name to ensure you have unique workspace names.

Enable document content searching: Check this box to extend workspace document search to the content of documents in addition to the document names. See also Searching Workspaces, Documents or Discussions.

After you enable this feature, go to Administration > Global Settings > Account > Maintenance Settings, choose Build document content search indexes and click OK. This indexes all workspace documents to support the search functionality.


Enabling document content search reduces the amount of storage space available on your account as storage space is required for content indexing.