Copy a Value to the Item Column

The following sample shows how to copy a value to the item column.

For the complete tutorial, see Copy a Value to the Item Column.


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/search'], (search) => {
  function fieldChanged (context) {
    try {
      const recInvoice = context.currentRecord;
      const stCurrField = context.fieldId;
      const stCurrSublist = context.sublistId;
      // Get UPC code of billing item
      if (stCurrSublist === 'item' && stCurrField === 'custcol_billingitem') {
        const billingitem = recInvoice.getCurrentSublistText({
          sublistId: 'item',
          fieldId: 'custcol_billingitem'
        // Search for Item with Billing Item's UPC code
        const itemSearch = search.create({
          type: 'noninventoryitem',
          filters: [
            ['upccode', 'is', billingitem]
          columns: [
            'upccode', 'itemid'
        // Set the UPC code text to the invoice
        const result = itemSearch.getRange(0, 1);
        const itemName = result[0].getValue(itemSearch.columns[1]);
          sublistId: 'item',
          fieldId: 'item',
          text: itemName
    } catch (e) {
  return {
    fieldChanged: fieldChanged


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