Calculate Commission on a Sales Order

The following sample shows how to convert the transaction total on a purchase order to a user-specific currency rather than the currency associated with the vendor.

For the complete tutorial, see Set Purchase Order Exchange Rate.


This sample uses SuiteScript 2.1. For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

 * @NApiVersion 2.1
 * @NScriptType ClientScript
 * @NModuleScope SameAccount

define(['N/runtime', 'N/currentRecord', 'N/currency', 'N/log'], (runtime, currentRecord, currency, log) => {
    function saveRecord(context) {
        try {
            const stUserCurrency = runtime.getCurrentScript().getParameter({
                name: 'custscript_custom_currency'
            if (stUserCurrency === " " || stUserCurrency === null || stUserCurrency === undefined) {
                throw "Please enter a value for Custom Currency at Home > User Preferences > Custom.";
            const purchaseOrder = context.currentRecord;
            const stTranCurrency = purchaseOrder.getValue({
                fieldId: 'currency'
            const stTranDate = purchaseOrder.getValue({
                fieldId: 'trandate'
            const stTotal = purchaseOrder.getValue({
                fieldId: 'total'
            let flTotalAmount = parseFloat(stTotal);
            let exchangeRate = currency.exchangeRate({
                source: stTranCurrency,
                target: stUserCurrency,
                date: stTranDate
            const flExchangeRate = parseFloat(exchangeRate);
            const flAmountInUserCurrency = parseFloat(flTotalAmount * flExchangeRate);
                fieldId: 'custbody_currency_exchange_rate',
                value: flExchangeRate
                fieldId: 'custbody_currency_po_amount',
                value: flAmountInUserCurrency
        } catch(e) {
            if (e.getDetails !== undefined) {
                    title: 'Process Error', 
                    details: JSON.stringify(e)
            } else {
                    title: 'Unexpected Error', 
                    details: JSON.stringify(e)
            throw (e);
        return true;
    return {
        saveRecord: saveRecord


General Notices