Using OAuth 2.0 to Connect to Account Reconciliation

To use OAuth 2.0 to connect to the Account Reconciliation application from NetSuite, you need to provide credentials obtained from your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) instance.

To set up OAuth 2.0 to connect to Account Reconciliation:

  1. In the Oracle Identity Cloud Service (IDCS), go to the Integrated Applications page and create a new application. Use the following settings:

    • Check Refresh token and Device code boxes.

    • Uncheck the Implicit box.

    • In the Client IP address section, select Anywhere.

    Copy the Client ID of the application from the General Information section.

  2. Go to the Overview page and copy Domain URL.

  3. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Account Reconciliation > Connection Settings.

  4. For the OAuth 2.0 type, click Configure.

  5. In step Enter Parameters, provide the following values from the previous steps:

    1. IDCS URL

    2. Client ID

  6. Click Next.

  7. In step Provide Consent, copy the code and click the verification URL.

  8. In your OCI instance, paste the code to confirm that you provide access to Account Reconciliation application for the logged-in user.

    To return to the previous step, click < Back or Cancel.

  9. Click Finish.

Related Topics

Account Reconciliation Sync SuiteApp Installation and Setup
Using Basic Authentication to Connect to Account Reconciliation

General Notices