Creating a Specification Context

Follow this procedure to create a specification context.

To create a specification context:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click Edit next to the item you want to update.

  3. Click the Custom subtab.

  4. Click New Quality Specification Context.

    The Quality Specification Context form displays the assembly item which, when built or completed, should be inspected.

  5. To complete the Assign Specification section:

    1. Select the Location where NetSuite transactions should be monitored to potentially trigger an inspection.

    2. Select a Transaction Type you want to monitor.

      Selecting certain transaction types prompts the Parent Transaction field to appear.


      You must have SuiteCloud and SuiteScript 2.0 knowledge and experience to work with this trigger.

    3. When available, select one or more Parent Transactions.

      For example, you can generate a queue with the inspections from the specification for the Item Receipt transaction from the Purchase Order only.

    4. Select the quality Specification to be triggered when this context record matches a monitored transaction.

    5. (Optional) Select a Pre-inspection Action to implement when the specification is triggered.

      This action must be recognizable by an active workflow.

      After installation, the Quality Management SuiteApp recognizes Quarantine as an action that can be taken at the time of context triggering.


      For ad hoc inspection queues without a transaction reference, select the Pre-inspection Action on the Ad Hoc Queue Creation Request page.

      For more information, see Creating an Ad Hoc Inspection Queue Without a Transaction Reference.

    6. Select the employee name Assigned To to this inspection queue.

      An email notification is generated and sent to the employee when the inspection queue is generated by assigning an employee.

      The employee name is also displayed in the Quality Specification Context Assigned To column.

  6. To complete the Apply Specification To section:

    1. To designate this fulfillment as the default item fulfillment and location no matter which customer the item is being shipped to, check the Apply to Default box.

      Check this box if the Transaction Type is the following:

      • Receipt From Purchase Order and you want to trigger the item specification regardless of vendor.

        If checked, any Vendor selected is ignored.

      • Work Order Completion and you want to trigger the item specification at the last manufacturing routing operation.

        If checked, any Work Center selected is ignored.

      To target inspections by customer, clear this box.

    2. Select a Vendor.

      If the Transaction Type is Receipt From Purchase Order, select one or more Vendors with receipts that will trigger the inspection.

    3. Select a Customer.

      (Optional) If the Transaction Type is Receipt From Purchase Order, select a Customer name to filter inspections based on the receipt’s purchase order details.

    4. Select a Work Center.

      If the Transaction Type is Work Order Completion, select the Work Center where production must be reported to trigger an inspection.

    5. Enter the SuiteSignOn ID associated with this context record.

      If this field is empty, NetSuite will not attempt to pass queue information to an external system.

  7. To complete the Automatically Generate Inspections section and define the number of lot controlled or serialized item inspections, enter a Transaction Frequency.

    The following table describes the outcomes you encounter when you set a specific Transaction Frequency value:

    Transaction Frequency Value



    Blank or Null

    Creates an inspection queue record for every item receipt.

    If an item is received five times, the trigger script creates five inspection queue records.


    Creates an inspection queue record for every item receipt.

    If an item is received five times, the trigger script creates five inspection queue records.


    Creates an inspection queue record for every other item receipt.

    If an item is received five times, the trigger creates inspection queue records for receipts 1, 3, and 5.


    Creates an inspection queue record for every third item receipt.

    If an item is received five times, the trigger creates inspection queue records for receipts 1 and 4.

    The Current Transaction Count field value is controlled by logic set by the quality administrator.

  8. Click Save.

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