Creating an Ad Hoc Inspection Queue Without a Transaction Reference

Follow this procedure to create an ad hoc inspection queue without a transaction reference. You can inspect or reinspect an item on a shelf or in inventory at any time.

For example, you want to inspect the strength of concrete or manually reinspect the moisture level of wood every two hours.

To create an ad hoc inspection queue without a transaction reference:

  1. Go to Quality > Data Collection > Ad Hoc Queues > New.

  2. In the Queue Creation Options section, select Without Transaction Reference from the Queue Creation Option list.

    By default, the Status of the inspection queue is set to Pending.

  3. Complete the Basic Requirements section:

    1. Select an Item to inspect from the list.

      When you select an item (a non-controlled, lot controlled, or serial numbered item), NetSuite populates the Available Quantity field with the quantity in inventory.

    2. Select a preferred quality Specification to inspect from the list.

      Alternatively, you can select New to add a new quality specification.

      For more information, see Quality Specifications.

    3. Select a preferred inspection Location from the list.

    4. Select the employee name Assigned To to this inspection queue.

      An email notification is generated and sent to the employee when the inspection queue is generated by assigning an employee.

      The employee name is also displayed in the Quality Specification Context Assigned To column.

  4. (Optional) To inspect a specific lot or serial number, select one or more Lot/Serial Numbers you want to create an inspection queue for from the list. Alternatively, for lot items, check the All Available Lots box to select all lot numbers.

    NetSuite references the selected lot or serial numbers for tablet inspection.

    This field is available for lot controlled and serial numbered items.

    • If you select a lot number, NetSuite populates the Available Quantity field with the quantity in the lot.

    • If you select a serial number, NetSuite populates the Available Quantity field with 1.

  5. (Optional) To inspect an item available in inventory from a specific bin or inventory status, complete the following:

    1. Select a preferred Bin Number to inspect from the list.

    2. Select a preferred Inventory Status to inspect from the list.

    3. Select a preferred Pre-inspection Action to implement when the specification is triggered from the list.

      Alternatively, you can select New to add a new pre-inspection action.

      This action must be recognizable by an active workflow.


    You can only complete this step if you activate the Enhanced Receipt Quarantine Workflow and implement bin transfers and inventory status updates. For more information, see Configuring the Enhanced Receipt Quarantines Workflow.

  6. Enter a numeric value to inspect in the Quantity field.

    You can inspect the total or a subset of the Available Quantity.

    For example, if you inspect items that are measured by weight, enter 10 to inspect 10 lbs. If you inspect items that are measured by number of items, enter 10 to inspect 10 pieces.

  7. To assign a schedule for this ad hoc inspection queue, do the following:

    1. In the Scheduling Details section, check the Schedule Ad Hoc Request box.

    2. Select the Deployment Script that contains the schedule you want to assign to the inspection queue.

      For more information, see Setting up Scheduled Inspections.

    3. (Optional) Enter an End Date and End Time, which must be later than the start date and time of the associated deployment script.

    4. If you want to cancel this scheduled ad hoc inspection at any time, check the Cancel Schedule box.

  8. Click Save.

    After you save the record, NetSuite creates the ad hoc inspection queue and sets its Status to Complete.

    To view the updated status, refresh the Ad Hoc Queue Creation Request record. You can then report the inspection queue in the tablet interface.

    If the status of your inspection queue is Error, see Viewing an Ad Hoc Inspection Queue Error Message.


    To view the Status and Queue ID columns for your list of ad hoc inspection queues, go to Quality > Data Collection > Ad Hoc Queues.

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