Setting up Scheduled Inspections

The NetSuite Quality Management SuiteApp enables you to create scheduled inspections that inspect an item’s inventory at regularly defined intervals.

For example, Inspect bicycle tire pressure every day at 6:00 AM.

For ad hoc inspection queue creation without a transaction reference, Quality Management provides a scheduled script that can generate inspections every hour by default. You can set up a different schedule that follows your inspection intervals.

To create a scheduled inspection:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  2. In the Scripts page beside the qm_ss_update_ad_hoc_scheduled_request.js script ID, click View.

  3. In the Script page, click Deploy Script.

  4. Complete the Script Deployment page, as follows:


    When you create a scheduler deployment, use the title and ID of the deployment script. See To create a new scheduler deployment:

    1. Enter a descriptive script deployment Title. For example, Daily Bicycle Tire Inspection.

    2. Enter the script deployment ID. For example, customdeploy6am_ed.

    3. To deploy your scripts to run in NetSuite, check the Deployed box.

    4. Select the Scheduled option in the Status field.

    5. Select the Debug option in the Log Level field.

    6. In the Execute as Role field, select the role you want the script to run as.

    7. Select a job processing Priority option.

  5. To complete the Schedule subtab, Select one of the following Event options to indicate how often you want this deployment script to run:

    • Single Event – This script will only run one time.

    • Daily Event – You can run this script to Repeat every x number of day(s) or Repeat every weekday.

    • Weekly Event – You can run this script weekly on the days of the week specified in the Sunday to Saturday check boxes.

      Alternatively, in the Repeat every ___ week(s) field, enter the number of weeks you want the script to run. For example, enter 2 to run the script every other week.

    • Monthly Event – You can run this script as a monthly event on the specified day of the month.

      To run the script repeatedly on the day specified, choose a recurrence frequency from the Repeat list.

    • Yearly Event – This script will run every year on selected days.

  6. Select the Start Date you want the Scheduler to begin.

  7. Select the Start Time you want the script to be paced into the scheduling queue.

  8. Select how often you want this script to Repeat.

  9. To set an End Date, select a date by clicking the calendar icon or enter a date in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Alternatively, check the No End Date box.

  10. Click Save.

After you define your schedule on a script deployment, assign it to a scheduler deployment.

To create a new scheduler deployment:

  1. Go to Customization > Lists, Records & Fields > Record Types.

  2. In the Record Types page, beside Scheduler Deployment, click List.

  3. In the Scheduler Deployment List page, click New Scheduler Deployment.

  4. Enter the descriptive Name you used for the Script Deployment Title in step 4.a in the preceding procedure. For example, Daily Bicycle Tire Inspection.

  5. Enter the script deployment ID you used for the Script Deployment Title in step 4.b in the preceding procedure. For example, customdeploy6am_ed.

  6. Click Save.

Finally, set up the deployment script on a new or existing ad hoc inspection queue without a transaction reference.

To initiate an ad hoc queue creation request:

  1. Go to Quality > Data Collections > Ad Hoc Queues > New.

    Alternatively, to select and edit an existing one, go to Quality > Data Collections > Ad Hoc Queue.

  2. In the Queue CreationOption field, select Without Transaction Reference.

  3. To learn how to complete this page, see Creating an Ad Hoc Inspection Queue Without a Transaction Reference.

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