Displaying the WKR Report in a Specific Fiscal Calendar

The Netherlands work-related costs (WKR) report is displayed according to the fiscal calendar of the subsidiary whose work-related costs you are reporting.

You can display the WKR report in a specific fiscal calendar by switching the calendar assigned to the subsidiary.

To display the WKR report according to your desired fiscal calendar:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Subsidiaries.

  2. Click Edit next to the subsidiary whose work-related costs you are reporting.

  3. From the Fiscal Calendar list, select the calendar that you want for the WKR report to be displayed in.


    If you want to see the details of a specific fiscal calendar in the list, go to Setup > Accounting > Manage G/L > Fiscal Calendars, and click the name of the fiscal calendar record you want to view.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Go to Reports > Netherlands Reports > Work-Related Costs.

  6. From the Subsidiary list, select the subsidiary whose fiscal calendar you recently updated.

If none of the already created fiscal calendars fits your needs, you can create another fiscal calendar record. Then, assign this fiscal calendar to the subsidiary for whom you want to view the work-related costs report. For more information, see Creating a Fiscal Calendar.

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General Notices