WKR Report Formatting and Optimization

The preferences that are set on your NetSuite account determine the display settings of the Netherlands Work-Related Costs (WKR) Report.

For example, the amounts in the report will be displayed according to the set number format. When you enter the baseline amount on the Calculation Terms subtab, the selected number format on your NetSuite account preferences will also be used to check against the format of the amount you entered. You will be notified if the entered format does not match the number format on your preferences.

In the WKR Report, the drill down list is segmented based on the set preferences on your NetSuite account.

To modify these preferences, go to Home > Set Preferences. On the Formatting subtab, select your preferred number format in the Number Format field. On the Optimizing NetSuite subtab, enter your preferred number of lines in the Number of Rows in List Segments field.

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