WKR Calculation Terms

The Calculation Terms subtab on the WKR Configuration page records the percentages used to derive the WKR budget and the tax rate that is levied on the excess of the budget.


These percentages are not arbitrary. You must verify the values with the WKR legislation in the Netherlands. You can refer to Allowances, benefits in kind and provisions.

Notes for Adding Calculation Terms

When you add calculation terms, note the following:

  • If the Applicable To column is empty, the set of terms will be applied until a new set of terms has been added.

  • You cannot add calculation terms that are effective retrospectively.

  • The effective period of any row of calculation terms should not be in conflict with another set of terms. You are not allowed to save the new set of terms if the period you set overlaps another.

  • Newly added set of terms are not effective immediately. They are applied the next day.

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General Notices