Creating Estimated Taxes for Brazil


To access the Brazil Localization SuiteApp documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Localization.

Estimated taxes demonstrate the amount represented by taxes in the price of your company's goods and services.

If the tax authority to which you send electronic invoices for certification requires you to provide an estimation of tax amounts, create an estimated taxes record.

In general, estimated taxes are calculated according to the rates specified in the Instituto Brasileiro de Planejamento e Tributação (IBPT) chart.

To create an estimated taxes record:

  1. Go to Setup > Brazil Localization > Estimated Taxes > New.

  2. In the Item Code field, select the code associated with the items for which you want to estimate taxes.

  3. If you want to estimate taxes for a specific item associated with the selected item code, in the Item field, select the item.

  4. If the item is subject to an IPI tax exception, in the IPI Tax Exception Code field, enter the code of the exception as defined in the Tabela de Incidência do Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (TIPI) table.

  5. In the Type of Item Code field, select the type of code you selected in the Item Code field.

    In Brazil, item codes can be service codes or Mercosur Common Nomenclature (MCN) codes.

  6. In the Description field, enter a description for this estimated taxes record.

  7. In the Federal Tax on Domestic Items (%) field, enter the federal tax rate on domestic items as specified in the IBPT chart.

  8. In the Federal Tax on Imported Items (%) field, enter the federal tax rate on imported items as specified in the IBPT chart.

  9. In the State Tax Rate (%) field, enter the state tax rate as specified in the IBPT chart.

  10. In the Municipal Tax Rate (%) field, enter the municipal tax rate as specified in the IBPT chart.

  11. If your company adopts the Simples Nacional tax regime, in the Simples Nacional Tax Rate (%) field, enter the tax rate for services in this tax regime.

    NetSuite only includes this information in e-documents based on the NFS-e Nacional standard.

  12. In the Effective From field, enter or select the date the tax rates and other parameters in this record start being effective.

  13. In the Effective Until field, enter or select the date the tax rates and other parameters in this record stop being effective.

    After the end of its effectivity, the tax rates are no longer taken into account in the tax estimation process.

  14. In the IBPT Chart Key field, enter the key of the IBPT chart you want to use to estimate taxes.

  15. In the IBPT Chart Version field, enter the version number of the IBPT chart you used as a reference to create the record.

  16. In the Source field, enter the source of the information you entered in the record to estimate taxes.

  17. Click Save.

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