SuiteQL Performance and Best Practices

You have the ability to significantly influence the performance of a query by adhering to the guidelines and syntax best practices that help prevent issues that may occur. These guidelines apply even if a SuiteQL is later transformed to SQL by a process hidden to the user.

You should consider the following tips for optimal query performance:

Best Practices

Due to Oracle SQL syntax working internally with NetSuite Analytics, you should use Oracle SQL syntax when creating SuiteQL queries. Although SuiteQL supports ANSI SQL-92, there is a risk of critical performance issues, such as time outs that are not operationally remediable, that may occur if a SuiteQL is converted to SQL. This approach helps avoid the worst performance scenario, regardless of other factors.

Related Topics

Using SuiteQL
SuiteQL Join Types
SuiteQL Limitations and Exceptions
SuiteQL Supported and Unsupported Functions
SuiteQL Supported Built-in Functions

General Notices