Setting Up Data Load Rule Job Type Parameters

Set up parameters for the Data Load Rule job type.

To set up parameters for the Data Load Rule job type:

  1. Go to NetSuite EPM > Account Reconciliation > Manage Jobs.

  2. On the Account Reconciliation: Manage Jobs page, do one of the following:

    • In the list of jobs, click Edit next to a job of your choice.

    • If you do not see the job in the list, and you have the Administrator role, click the Add Job button. Then, follow steps 3 through 6 in Adding a Job in NetSuite.

  3. Click the Job Parameters subtab, and do the following:

    1. From the Period Type list, select one of the period types:

      • Absolute to select a specific accounting period.

      • Relative to specify an accounting period that is relative to the current date.

    2. From the Start Period list, do one of the following to select the accounting period:

      • If you have selected Absolute as the Period Type, select from the list of available accounting periods. For more information about managing accounting periods, see Manage Accounting Periods Page.

      • If you have selected Relative as the Period Type, select one of the following accounting periods:

        • This Fiscal Year

        • This Fiscal Quarter

        • This Month

        • Last Fiscal Year

        • Last Fiscal Quarter

        • Last Month

    3. From the End Period list, do one of the following to select the accounting period:

      • If you have selected Absolute as the Period Type, select from the list of available accounting periods.

      • If you have selected Relative as the Period Type, select one of the following accounting periods:

        • This Fiscal Year

        • This Fiscal Quarter

        • This Month

        • Last Fiscal Year

        • Last Fiscal Quarter

        • Last Month

    4. From the Import Mode list, select one of the following:

      • Replace

      • Append

      • Merge

      • No Import

      • Map and Validate

    5. From the Export Mode list, select one of the following:

      • Replace

      • No Export

  4. Click Save.

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