Configuring CSV Parser

For CSV, configuration fields become available after selecting the parser from the Transaction Parser field.

The following sections describe how you can configure your CSV parser configuration.

Configuring the Transaction Field Mappings for the CSV Parser

The Parser Configuration subtab displays a link to a downloadable CSV Bank Statement Template when the format profile is in Edit mode. You can use the template to format your bank statement files for import. The template can also be accessed in the NetSuite File Cabinet by going to Documents > Files > File Cabinet. Then, in the SuiteBundles folder, go to Bundle 293699 > com.netsuite.bsp and then click the template folder. Alternatively, you can also use your own CSV bank statement file.


The CSV parser plug-in only supports UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding.

The Field Mapping subtab values default to the column headers of the CSV Bank Statement Template file. If you are using your own file for import, be sure to update and map the field mappings accordingly to prevent import errors.

To map your CSV file column headers to NetSuite:

  1. On the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile, click the Field Mapping subtab.

  2. The following table lists the available mapping fields and details on how to enter appropriate values for each field. Map the following fields by entering the matching column header titles in your CSV file. The field mapping field values are not case-sensitive.

    Field Mapping


    Account Number

    Enter the column header that represents the bank account number in your CSV bank statement file.


    Enter the column header that represents the transaction date in your CSV bank statement file.


    Enter the column header that represents the transaction amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    If the transaction amount displays an absolute value, you must also map the Amount Indicator field to mark a positive or negative entry. Then, set the Credit Indicator and Debit Indicator preferences under the Formatting Preferences subtab.

    Credit Amount

    Enter the column header that represents the credit amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    Map this field if you have a separate column for debit and credit amount entry.

    Debit Amount

    Enter the column header that represents the debit amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    Map this field if you have a separate column for debit and credit amount entry.

    Amount Indicator

    Enter the column header that represents the amount indicator in your CSV bank statement file.

    Map this field if the transaction amount displays as an absolute value. You must also set the Credit Indicator and Debit Indicator preferences under the Formatting Preferences subtab when mapping this field.

    Payee or Payer Name

    Enter the column header that represents the transaction payee or payer in your CSV bank statement file.

    Transaction Number

    Enter the column header that represents the transaction number or ID in your CSV bank statement file.

    Amount Currency

    Enter the column header that represents the currency of the transaction amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    Make sure the amount's currency matches the NetSuite GL account currency to avoid data import errors


    Enter the column header that represents the transaction memo in your CSV bank statement file.

    Transaction Type

    Enter the column header that represents the transaction type in your CSV bank statement file.

    To see the list of supported transaction types, see Transaction Types in Matching Rules.

    Financial Institution ID

    Enter the column header that represents the financial institution ID in your CSV bank statement file.

    The Financial Institution ID helps the system identify duplicate transactions based on data import history.

    Customer Name

    Enter the column header that represents the customer name in NetSuite from your CSV bank statement file.

    Map this field if you are using the automatic creation of payment transactions feature in NetSuite.

    Customer ID

    Enter the column header that represents the customer ID in NetSuite from your CSV bank statement file.

    Map this field if you are using the automatic creation of payment transactions feature in NetSuite.

    Invoice Numbers

    Enter the column header that represents the invoice numbers of received payments in your CSV bank statement file. If a transaction line contains more than one invoice number, separate each invoice number using a comma.

    Map this field if you are using the automatic creation of payment transactions feature in NetSuite.

    Account Closing Balance

    Enter the column header that represents the account's closing balance in your CSV bank statement file.

    Closing Balance Date

    Enter the column header that represents the closing balance date in your CSV bank statement file.

  3. Click Submit.

Configuring the Formatting Preferences for the CSV Parser

By default, the values of the Formatting Preferences subtab are based on the user’s account preference (Home > Set Preferences). Be sure to match the following preferences in your file accordingly to prevent import errors.

To set the formatting preferences for the CSV parser:

  1. On the Parser Configuration subtab of your format profile, click the Formatting Preferences subtab.

  2. The following table lists the available formatting preferences and how to enter appropriate values for each preference.

    Formatting Preferences


    Date Format

    Enter the date format used in your CSV bank statement file. By default, the value in this field is set to MM/DD/YYY. The following date format combinations are supported:

    • 2 – 3 M (month), 2 D (day), and 2 or 4 Y (year) characters with no separators


    • 1 D (day) or 1 M (month) character but must include a separator

      Example: M-D-YYYY, YYYY-MM-D, or M-DD-YYYY

    • For separators, only hyphen (-), slash (/), period (.), and space are supported

    Long date format and format with 3–character Month abbreviations are not supported.

    Example, Month D, YYYY , which interprets to March 1, 2021 or Mon D, YYYY, which interprets to Jan 1, 2021.


    The CSV parser plug-in only supports English date abbreviation characters.

    Number Format

    Select the number format for thousands separator and decimals.

    This preference determines the number format of your transaction amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    By default, the value for this field is sourced from the Number Format field in Home > Set Preferences > Formatting.

    Negative Number Format

    Select the format to display negative numbers..

    This preference determines the negative number format of your transaction amount in your CSV bank statement file.

    By default, the value for this field is sourced from the Negative Number Format field in Home > Set Preferences > Formatting.

    CSV Column Delimiter

    Select the symbol used as a column separator in your CSV bank statement file.

    By default, the value for this field is sourced from the CSV Column Delimiter field in Home > Set Preferences > Formatting.

    Text Qualifier

    Select the character used in your CSV bank statement file to enclose column values.

    Credit Indicator

    Enter the character or code used in your CSV bank statement file for credit transactions.

    Set this preference if you are mapping the Amount Indicator field.


    This preference is case-sensitive. Make sure the character or code matches the credit indictor value in your CSV file.

    Debit Indicator

    Enter the character or code used in your CSV bank statement file for debit transactions.

    Set this preference if you are mapping the Amount Indicator field.


    This preference is case-sensitive. Make sure the character or code matches the debit indictor value in your CSV file.

    Footer Lines

    If your bank statement has footer lines, you can configure the parser to automatically remove them.

    Enter the number of footer lines included in your bank statement file. Value can be any positive value or zero.

    If your bank periodically provides a file with different number of footer lines, be sure to check your footer lines configuration before importing them in NetSuite.

  3. Click Submit.

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