Pairing Intercompany Transactions

An intercompany document in one subsidiary should have a respective document in a counterpart subsidiary. For example, if subsidiary A issues a customer invoice document to subsidiary B, then subsidiary B has a respective vendor bill document.

If you use stand-alone intercompany invoices and bills, you can create a link between the two documents through the Paired Intercompany Transaction field. After you pair the documents, you can use SuiteAnalytics to create datasets that display the intercompany documents. If any intercompany documents were incorrectly paired, you can correct the pairings.

You can run reports on paired documents throughout the accounting period or at period end close. If you make corrections throughout the accounting period, you decrease the manual effort associated with intercompany transaction reconciliation at period end close.

NetSuite lets you pair invoices with bills of a different amount and in a different accounting period. If you use the Intercompany Framework feature, the netting functionality lets you net paired intercompany invoices and bills of the same amount. For information about the intercompany netting functionality, see Intercompany Netting.


The Paired Intercompany Transaction field is not intended to be used in the purchase order to sales order workflow. To reconcile intercompany invoices and bills generated through intercompany purchase orders and sales orders, see Intercompany Reconciliation Report.

To customize the invoice and bill forms for pairing:

  1. Go to Billing > Sales > Create Invoices.


    You must have permission to access an invoice or a bill to customize the forms.

  2. Click Customize, and then click Customize Form

  3. Click the Screen Fields subtab.

  4. Check the Paired Intercompany Transaction box, and then specify where the list field should appear on the form.


    You can place the field anywhere on the form, but you may find it useful to place it in the InterCompany Management section. You can also mark the field as required.

  5. Click Save.

    A link to the customized invoice form appears on the Custom Transaction Forms page.

  6. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  7. Follow steps 2 through 5.

    A link to the customized bill form appears on the Custom Transaction Forms page.

  8. Return to the customized invoice or bill form.


    NetSuite lets you pair invoices with bills or bills with invoices. When you save the pairing, NetSuite updates the respective paired record.

    For information about creating invoices, see Creating an Invoice.

    For information about entering vendor bills, see Vendor Bills.

  9. Complete the fields as required, and then select the relevant transaction to pair from the Paired Intercompany Transaction list.

    The list displays document numbers for relevant transactions. NetSuite lists the numbers in ascending order by character, number, and then letter. Transactions that are pending approval or voided do not appear in this list.


    If you set your general preferences to reduce the number of items in a list, NetSuite changes the standard list to an advanced search list. Limiting the items in the list is useful if the list contains hundreds of items. Advanced search lists enable you to type in the field to filter the lists to display matching items. You can click the double list icon and type in the Search field to filter the list. For more information about general preferences, see General Personal Preferences.

    In the Search field, type the % sign before and after your search string to display only those items that include your string. For example, the bill transaction you want to pair includes a # sign followed by a 1. Type %#1% to retrieve only those bills where the document number includes #1.


    NetSuite lists only those transactions with the proper combination of subsidiary, entity, currency, and document status. The list is empty if you have not set one of those criteria, or if the criteria is not available.

    You must first select the subsidiary, followed by the entity, and then the currency. NetSuite displays relevant transactions based on your selections, in that order. If you make your selections in an incorrect order, NetSuite may display transactions for an incorrect combination.

  10. Click Save.

    In view mode on the invoice form, the selected intercompany transaction is a link to the vendor bill document.

    In view mode on the bill form, the selected intercompany transaction is a link to the customer invoice document.


    You cannot delete a paired transaction. If you must delete a previously paired transaction, set the Paired Intercompany Transaction list to blank, and then save. Then, in edit mode on the transaction, select Actions, and then Delete.

    You cannot set an approved transaction to pending approval.

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General Notices