Representing Entities

The Intercompany Framework feature requires the Automated Intercompany Management feature. When you enable the Automated Intercompany Management feature, you can let NetSuite create and update representing entities for all active and inactive non-elimination subsidiaries.

Representing entities are vendors and customers that act as agents for a selected subsidiary. The default entity name is the same as the subsidiary name, reduced in length to the field length. If the entity name is not unique in the system, the subsidiary ID is appended to the entity name.

The primary currency is the base currency of the subsidiary. NetSuite adds all of the subsidiary’s currencies, and all of the subsidiary’s secondary subsidiaries to the representing entities’ records.

The default primary subsidiary for the representing entities is the parent (root) subsidiary, but you can select another subsidiary as the primary subsidiary. However, if the primary subsidiary for a representing entity is the first child subsidiary, you cannot change it.

NetSuite requires the Multi Subsidiary Customer feature to generate representing entities.


You can stop NetSuite from generating and maintaining representing entities by clearing the Automatically Generate Representing Entities box. The Is Autogenerated Representing Entity is automatically cleared on all autogenerated customers and vendors. You can then manually edit, update, and delete them.

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General Notices