Workbook API

The Workbook API lets you manage your datasets and workbooks programmatically as part of SuiteAnalytics Workbook. You can do the following:

You must enable the SuiteAnalytics Workbook feature to use the Workbook API.

The Workbook API includes the following components:

Getting Started with the Workbook API

The following table lists tasks and links to help you get started with the Workbook API.




Learn about the concepts in the Workbook API

Several topics are available to help you understand dataset and workbook concepts before you start using the Workbook API.

Workbook API Concepts

Follow a tutorial to create your first dataset

A tutorial is available to help you create a basic dataset using the Workbook API. You can use this tutorial as a starting point to explore the features of the Workbook API.

Tutorial: Creating a Dataset Using the Workbook API

Follow a tutorial to create a workbook and visualizations

A tutorial is available to help you create a workbook using the Workbook API, including a table view and pivot.

Tutorial: Creating a Workbook Using the Workbook API

Explore the objects and methods in the Workbook API

The N/dataset, N/datasetLink, and N/workbook modules include all of the methods and objects you need to create and manage datasets and workbooks.

N/dataset Module

N/datasetLink Module

N/workbook Module

Related Topics

General Notices