SuiteScript 2.x Analytic APIs

SuiteScript Analytic APIs help you work with analytical data in NetSuite using SuiteScript. These APIs support advanced queries and operations that enable you to load, analyze, and update your data programmatically in server scripts.

The following table describes the APIs that are included in SuiteScript Analytic APIs, including links to relevant help topics for each API.



Help Topics

Query API

The Query API lets you create constructed queries and run them using the N/query module. You can create query conditions, use multilevel joins to different record types, and run queries as paged or non-paged queries.

N/query Module


The SuiteQL API lets you run queries using the SuiteQL query language. SuiteQL is based on the SQL-92 revision of the SQL database query language and provides advanced query capabilities you can use to access your NetSuite records and data.


SuiteQL API refers only to running SuiteQL queries using the N/query module. SuiteQL is available for other channels (such as SuiteAnalytics Connect), but these channels are not included in SuiteQL API.


SuiteQL in the N/query Module

Workbook API

The Workbook API lets you manage datasets and workbooks programmatically as part of SuiteAnalytics Workbook. You can create datasets to define your data, create conditions and joins with other record types, define workbook visualizations such as charts and pivots, and more.

Workbook API

N/dataset Module

N/datasetLink Module

N/workbook Module

Analytics Data Source and Supported Browsers

SuiteScript Analytic APIs are based on the analytics data source. This data source is a collection of NetSuite data that is grouped according to record types and fields. The structure of the analytics data source provides many capabilities and options to analyze your NetSuite data. For more information, see Analytics Data Source Overview.

The analytics data source provides different information than previous data sources. For example, Search and Report features (including SuiteScript modules such as the N/search module) use a different data source that was available before the introduction of the analytics data source. The record types and fields supported in this data source may be different than those supported in the analytics data source.

You can use a browser to view a summary of the data that a data source includes. A browser provides information about all record types and fields that are available for a data source. The information displayed in the browser depends on the underlying data source. For example, the SuiteScript Records Browser uses the Search and Report data source, so you can use this browser to find record type names and field names for Search and Report functionality. However, this browser does not use the analytics data source, so you cannot use this browser to find record type names and field names for SuiteScript Analytic APIs.

The following browsers are available for the analytics data source:

When working with SuiteScript Analytic APIs, you can use the Records Catalog to find record type names and field names.

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General Notices