Paying Utility Bills and Tax Collection Forms with CNAB (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

With the CNAB system, you can pay utility bills and tax collection forms with barcodes.

The following bill payment methods are available with the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp:

To pay utility bills and tax collection forms:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills.

  2. In the Vendor field, select the vendor for this purchase.

    For this type of payment, you should choose the service provider or government authority that collects the tax.

  3. Enter the information relevant for the transaction.

    For more information about creating vendor bill transactions, see Vendor Bills.

  4. Click the Pagamentos subtab.

  5. In the Método de Pagamento field, select the payment method used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment method you selected.

  6. In the Tipo de Serviço field, select the type of payment service used to pay the vendor.

    If you have entered this information on the vendor record of the transaction’s vendor, this field is automatically filled with the default payment service you selected.

  7. Click Save.

    NetSuite saves the transaction record.

  8. In view mode, click the Parcelas subtab.

  9. Click Visualizar Parcelamento.

    The Parcelamento window opens.

  10. Click Adicionar Código de Barra.

  11. In the Linha Digitável/Código de Barras field, enter the barcode.

  12. Click Save.

After you create the transaction, you must register the payment with the bank. To register the payment, you must include their information in a CNAB 240 delivery file and send it to the bank. For more information about generating a delivery file, see Generating a CNAB 240 Delivery File (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

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