Electronic Invoicing for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

In Brazil, you must document every operation involving goods or services with e-documents. The Brazilian Hub (BRHub) SuiteApp provides features to issue different types of e-documents, enabling you to comply with Brazilian requirements.

To leverage the Brazilian Hub invoicing features, you must first install the following SuiteApps in your account:

The aforementioned SuiteApps provide the framework for generating and certifying e-documents. For more information, see Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Prerequisites.

With Brazilian Hub, you can generate and certify e-documents from the following records:

If you have the Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp installed in your account, you can also generate and certify e-documents from the EFD-Reinf custom record. For more information, see EFD-Reinf Report (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp).

Brazilian Hub currently supports the following types of electronic invoices:

For more information about electronic invoicing for Brazil, read the following topics:

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General Notices