Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Known Limitations and Best Practices

Before using the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, be aware of the current limitations and best practice recommendations.

Best Practices for the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp

When using the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, be guided by the following recommendations:

  • When installing the SuiteApp, enable all the required features before installing the required SuiteApps for Brazil.

    For more information, see Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Installation.

  • When installing the SuiteApp, install the required SuiteApps for Brazil before installing the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp.

    For more information, see Brazilian Hub SuiteApp Installation.

  • When setting up the electronic invoicing features provided the SuiteApp, ensure that the digital certificate you upload to NetSuite meets the following requirements:

    • Is within its expiration date

    • Includes exportable private key

    • Includes all certificates in certification path

    For more information, see Digital Certificates Upload for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  • If you use multiple SuiteCloud Processors to send your e-documents for certification, review the Script Invoice (Script ID customdeploy _sit_invoice_ue) script deployment record.

    For more information, see the script deployment review guide. It is available in the Admin Documentation field of Brazilian Hub’s Bundle Details page. For more information about the Bundle Details page, see Bundle Details.

  • Before setting up the electronic bank payments feature provided by the SuiteApp, create a case with NetSuite Customer Support to request the CNAB segment fields' CSV files.

    For more information, see Creating CNAB Segment Fields (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).


    This applies only if you use one of the banks predefined by the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp.

  • When entering item descriptions on invoices that you send to the Barueri (SP) tax authority for certification, press Enter to insert line breaks. The SuiteApp automatically removes other forms of line breaks, such as pipes, <br />, and \n.

Known Limitations of the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp

When using the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp, keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Importing or exporting items requires additional Electronic Invoicing licenses.

    For more information, see Electronic Invoicing SuiteApp Availability and License Client.

  • Direct import of goods with tax benefits is not supported.

  • The nota de débito (debit note) transaction only supports the Brazilian Real (BRL) currency.

  • The tax calculation feature cannot post taxes to the general ledger separated by type revenue and cost center.

  • The tax calculation feature does not support the recognition nor the deferral of revenues and expenses.

  • PIS, COFINS, and CSLL (PCC) withheld on payments are not posted to the general ledger when you apply a vendor credit from the bill payment page. However, PCC withheld on payments amounts are posted when you create a vendor credit transaction and then apply it to a vendor bill, or when you click the Credit button in the vendor bill.

    For more information, see Entering a Vendor Credit Manually and Creating a Vendor Credit Directly From a Vendor Bill.

  • The tax calculation feature does not support additional tax types and tax codes other than those provided by the Brazilian Hub SuiteApp.

    For more information, see Creating Tax Type Records for Brazil in Accounts Without SuiteTax (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp) and Brazilian Tax Types in Accounts With SuiteTax (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  • Kit/Package and Assembly/Bill of Materials items are not supported. However, you can link service items to compose something similar to service kits.

    For more information, see Setting Up Service Items for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  • The SuiteApp does not provide any customizations to localize the following features:

    • Accounting-related reports, such as the general ledger

    • Cash flow features

    • Financial statements, such as the balance sheet and the income statement

    • Fixed asset features

      If you want, you can customize the features to suit your business needs.

  • Brazilian Hub does not support the e-document series, e-document sending preferences, and municipal taxation code records, all from the LATAM E-Document Certification SuiteApp.

    If you have Brazilian Hub and LATAM E-Document Certification installed on your account, do not use the aforementioned records.

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