Brazilian Tax Types in Accounts With SuiteTax (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

A tax type is associated with a nexus, and tells NetSuite where to post the tax amounts on the balance sheet.

For more information about tax types in SuiteTax, see Tax Type Records in SuiteTax.

For more information about setting up the Brazilian tax types in SuiteTax, see the following topics:

Running the Brazilian Tax Type Script

To create tax type records, run the script with all the Brazilian tax type information.

To run the Brazilian tax type script:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.

  2. Next to the Carga Tax Type (Script ID customscripto2s_carga_tax_type) script deployment record, click Edit.


    Do not edit any information on the script deployment record.

  3. From the Save dropdown list, click Save and execute.

The script creates the tax type records on your account.

Setting Up Tax Type Records for Brazil

In each Brazilian tax type record, select the proper ledger accounts to which to post the tax amounts.

To set up a tax type record for Brazil:

  1. Go to Customization > Taxes > Tax Types.

  2. Next to the tax type record you want, click Edit.

  3. Click the Accounts subtab.

  4. In the Nexus column, select BRHub – Cálculo Impostos Brasil.

  5. In the Accounts Payable column, select an account to which to post the tax’s payable amounts.

    • If the tax type record identifies a tax due, select a liability account.

    • If the tax type record identifies a withholding tax, select an asset account.


    For the CIDE-DEVIDO, COFINS-IMP-SERV, IRRF-IMP-SERV, ISS-IMP-SERV, and PIS-IMP-SERV tax types, select a liability account.

  6. In the Accounts Receivable column, select an account to which to post the receivable amounts for the tax.

    • If the tax type record identifies a tax due, select an asset account.

    • If the tax type record identifies a withholding tax, select a liability account.


    For the CIDE-DEVIDO, COFINS-IMP-SERV, IRRF-IMP-SERV, ISS-IMP-SERV, and PIS-IMP-SERV tax types, select an income account.

  7. Click Add.

  8. Click Save.

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General Notices