Importing Inbound Electronic Invoices for Goods in Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The BRHub SuiteApp enables you to import inbound electronic invoices for goods (NF-e) to NetSuite, which automatically creates the vendor bill records for the purchases. In Brazil, electronic invoices are stored as XML files, and you can import the XML files you receive from your vendors.

To import inbound electronic invoice for goods in Brazil:

  1. Go to BRHub > Importação XML de Compra > Importação XML > New.

  2. To select the XML file you want to import, in the Importar XML de Compra field, click Browse.

  3. In the folder, find the XML file and upload it.


    If you select an XML file that was previously imported, the system does not allow you to import it again.

  4. Click Next.

  5. In the Informações da Transação step, enter information about the transaction and its payment.

    1. Under Fornecedor, the Subsidiária field displays the subsidiary associated with the company tax ID number (CNPJ) found on the XML file.

    2. The Fornecedor field displays the vendor associated with the company tax ID number (CNPJ) found on the XML file.

    3. (Optional) If you want to associate the inbound electronic invoice for goods with a purchase order record, in the Pedido de Compra field, enter the purchase order’s number.

    4. In the Localização field, select a location to associate with the purchase.

    5. (Optional) In the Departamento field, select a department to associate with the purchase.

    6. (Optional) In the Centro de Custo field, select a cost center to associate with the purchase.

    7. Under Informações Fiscais, the Série field is populated with the electronic invoice’s series number found on the XML file.

    8. In the Natureza de Operação field, select the nature of the transaction, as described in the electronic invoice you received.

    9. In the Modelo field, select the template number of the electronic invoice you received.

    10. (Optional) Under Pagamento, in the Condição de Pagamento field, select the term of payment used in the purchase.

    11. (Optional) In the Banco Previsão field, select the account to which to post the payment.

      You can change the account on the bill payment transaction, if required.

  6. Click Next.

  7. In the Informações dos Itens step, the system lists the items found in the XML file. Complete the missing information of all the items you want to include in the vendor bill record.

    1. In the Item column, select the item record that corresponds to the purchased item.

      To select the item record:

      1. Enter the name of the item.

      2. Select the option that matches the name you typed.

      For more information about creating item records to use in transactions with BRHub, see Setting Up Items for Brazilian Hub.

    2. In the CFOP column, enter the proper Código Fiscal de Operações e Prestações (CFOP) code for the item and the transaction.

    3. (Optional) If you do not want to include an item listed in the vendor bill record, click the X icon in the last column.


    If you import an electronic invoice containing the same items as the ones contained in a previously imported XML, these fields are populated with the information from the previous import.

  8. Click Finish.

    NetSuite creates the vendor bill record based on the XML file and the information you entered.

  9. (Optional) To view the XML file, the vendor, and the items associated with the import, do one of the following:

    • To view the XML file imported to NetSuite, go to BRHub > Importação XML de Compra > Importação XML.

    • To view the items contained in the imported electronic invoices, go to BRHub > Importação XML de Compra > Itens.

    • To view the vendors involved with the imported electronic invoices, go to BRHub > Importação XML de Compra > Dados Fornecedor.

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