Creating Approximated Taxes for Brazil (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

The tributos aproximados (approximated taxes) record stores the approximate amounts of federal, state, and city taxes that appear on electronic invoices for services (NFS-e).

You can choose to set up your tributos aproximados record by:

You must create tributos aproximados records for every código de serviço (service code) and Brazilian subsidiary on your account.

To create a tributos aproximados record:

  1. Go to BRHub > Fiscal > Tributos Aproximados > New.

  2. In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary

  3. In the Código Serviço field, select the code that identifies the service.

  4. (Optional) If the approximated tax amounts are associated with a specific tax, in the Código Imposto field, select the tax code to which the record is associated.

  5. If you set up the record by defining the total amount of the taxes levied on the service, in the Tributação Efetiva Total field, enter the total tax rate amount.

  6. If you set up the record by defining each tax rate for the federal, state, and city taxes levied on the service, enter each tax rate.

    1. Enter the tax rates for the federal taxes levied on the service.

      • If the item’s origin is domestic, in the Tributação Federal para Nacionais field, enter the tax rate for the federal taxes levied on the service.

      • If the item’s origin is foreign, in the Tributação Federal para Importados field, enter the tax rate for the federal taxes levied on the service.

    2. In the Tributação Estadual field, enter the tax rate for the state taxes levied on the service.

    3. In the Tributação Municipal field, enter the tax rate for the city taxes levied on the service.

  7. In the Data Inicial Vigência field, enter or select the start date for the enforcement of the approximated taxes parameter.

    The start date indicates when the parameter starts takes effect.

  8. In the Data Final Vigência field, enter or select the end date for the the enforcement of the approximated taxes parameter.

    The end date indicates when the parameter expires.

  9. In the Chave field, enter the key number.

  10. In the Versão field, enter the version number of the document you used as a reference to create the record.

  11. In the Fonte field, enter the source of the information you entered on the record.

  12. Click Save.

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