Data Export for Integration with Alterdata

In Brazil, legal entities must submit accounting and fiscal bookkeeping reports to the federal government. The system that standardizes, receives, validates, stores, and authenticates these reports is the Public Digital Bookkeeping System (SPED).

The Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp supports the generation of some of these reports. For the few that it does not support, it enables you to extract data and integrate it with Alterdata’s accounting software.

The export feature that enables integration with Alterdata supports the extraction of data on accounting, provided services, and received services. Each of these types of data generates a different file, with its own layout, in accordance with both Alterdata’s and SPED’s requirements.

Accounting Data

Accounting data is the information about all the movements (inbound and outbound) in your company’s general ledger accounts. The exported file covers the following data, both on credits and debits:

  • Account

  • Transaction date

  • Transaction amount

  • Transaction ID

Received Services Data

Received services data is the information about the services your company hires. The data covers the following SPED records:

  • Record 003 – Participants – Information about the natural or legal persons of the transactions (customer, vendor, service taker, sender, addressee, consignee, carrier, and others) recorded in the electronic invoices from SPED records 011 and 012.

  • Record 012 – Electronic Invoices for Services Taken – Information about inbound electronic invoices for services. This information is required for transactions in which the tax on services (ISS) applies on the receiving company.

Provided Services Data

Provided services data is the information about the services your company sells. The data covers the following SPED records:

  • Record 003 – Participants – Information about the natural or legal persons of the transaction (customer, vendor, service taker, sender, addressee, consignee, carrier, and others) recorded in the electronic invoices from SPED records 011 and 012.

  • Record 011 – Outbound Electronic Invoice for Services – Information about outbound electronic invoices for services. This information is required for companies that provide services subject to ISS.

For more information about the exporting process, see Exporting Data for Alterdata Integration.

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