EFD-Reinf Sending (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

The following topics cover the generating, sending, and amending process for EFD-Reinf reports:

Generating the EFD-Reinf Report

Generate the EFD-Reinf report, considering the events relevant to your company’s business practices.

To generate the EFD-Reinf report:

  1. Process the fiscal book of the corresponding subsidiary for the EFD-Reinf submission period.

    For more information on fiscal book processing, see Fiscal Books for Brazil (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp).

  2. Go to Reports > BRHub - Obrigações Acessórias > EFD-Reinf > New.

  3. Ensure that the Ambiente field is populated with the environment defined on the Informações Complementares da Subsidiária record.

    For more information, see Setting Up the Informação Complementar da Subsidiária Record (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp).

  4. In the Subsidiária field, select the subsidiary whose report you want to send.

  5. In the Data Inicial field, select the start date for gathering the information.

  6. In the Data Final field, select the end date for gathering the information.


    EFD-Reinf is a monthly report, therefore, select the first and last day of the reporting month, respectively.

  7. Under the Events group, select the events you want to include in the report:


    Only select events that have information relevant to the Receita Federal (federal revenue service).

    • To send the taxpayer's registration information, including the data needed to validate the next EFD-Reinf events, check the R-1000 – Informações do Contribuinte box.

    • To send information on legal and administrative proceedings in compliance with regular and auxiliary tax obligations, check the R-1070 – Processos ADM/Judiciais box.

      For more information on the creation of R-1070 events, see Generating the R–1070 Processos Adm/Judiciais Event.

    • To send information on electronic invoices for received services that had INSS tax withheld, check the R-2010 – Serviços Tomados box.

      NetSuite only includes notas fiscais de serviço (NFS-e) that contain withheld INSS amounts.

    • To send information on electronic invoices for provided services that had INSS tax withheld, check the R-2020 – Serviços Prestados box.

      NetSuite only includes notas fiscais de serviço (NFS-e) that contain withheld INSS amounts.

    • To reopen a periodic event, previously closed by an R-2099 – Fechamento dos Eventos Periódicos event, check the R-2098 – Reabertura dos Eventos Periódicos box.

      This enables you to send amendments or new events.

    • To indicate the end of the sending of events for the assessment period, check the R-2099 – Fechamento dos Eventos Periódicos box.

    • To void previous events that you sent erroneously, check the R-9000 – Exclusão de Eventos box.

  8. To start generating the EFD-Reinf report, click Save.

    NetSuite displays the information for each selected event in separate subtabs.

Generating the R–1070 Processos Adm/Judiciais Event

If legal or administrative proceedings impact the events you included in the EFD-Reinf report, you must send an R-1070 – Processos Adm/Judiciais event detailing the proceedings.

To generate an R-1070 Processos Adm/Judiciais event:

  1. Go to Relatórios > BRHub – Obrigações Acessórias > EFD-Reinf Processos Adm/Judiciais > New.

  2. Enter the required information about the administrative or legal proceedings you want to include in the R-1070 event.

  3. If you need to enter any complementary information related to lawsuits, click the Compl. Processos Judiciais subtab.

  4. Enter the relevant information about the legal proceedings.

  5. Click Save.

Sending the EFD-Reinf Report

After generating the events, you must submit them to the Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) system for validation.

To send the EFD-Reinf events:

  1. Go to Relatórios > BRHub – Obrigações Acessórias > EFD-Reinf.

  2. Click Edit next to the EFD-Reinf report you want.

  3. Click the Status Transmissão subtab.

    This subtab lists the events included in the report.

  4. In the Transmitir column, check the boxes next to the events you want to send to the SPED system.

  5. Click Save to prepare the events for transmission.

  6. Click to the Status Transmissão subtab.

  7. In the Transmitir column, ensure that a green arrow icon appears next to the events you chose to send to the SPED.

    The sending of the EFD-Reinf events follows a sequence established by the SPED. For a successful transmission, you must follow this sequence:

    1. R-1000

    2. R-1070

    3. R-2010, R-2020, R-2030, R-2040, R-2050, R-2070 (Periodic Events) and R-3010 (Non-periodic Events)

    4. R-2099 (Closing)

    5. R-2098 (Reopening, if needed)

    6. R-2099 (Closing)

    7. R-5001 (Return with tax base information)

  8. To start sending, click the button in the Transmitir column next to each event.

    NetSuite displays a message confirming the start of the transmission.

  9. Refresh the page until the event’s Status Envio column changes from 0 – Não iniciado to 3 – Pendente retorno or 1 – Enviado com sucesso.

  10. When the status changes to 1 – Enviado com sucesso, click the button in the Download XML column to download the XML file containing the event’s response.

    • If the transmission was successful, the Download XML column displays a green icon.

    • If the transmission had errors, the Download XML column displays a red icon. The XML contains the error code and message.

  11. Repeat the previous steps for each event you want to sent to the SPED.


    You have to complete the transmission of an event (from the moment you send it until you receive a response) before you send another one.

Amending EFD-Reinf Events

If you need to amend a report after closing it with the R-2099 event, send an R-2098 event and make the required corrections.

To amend an event:

  1. Go to Relatórios > BRHub – Obrigações Acessórias > EFD-Reinf.

  2. Click Edit next to the EFD-Reinf report you want.

  3. Under Eventos, check the R-2098 – Reabertura dos Eventos Periódicos box.


    The R-2098 event reopens a closed period, enabling you to send corrections or new periodic events.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click the Status Transmissão subtab.

  6. Click the button in the Transmitir column next to the R-2098 - Reabertura dos Eventos Periódicos event.

  7. Click the subtabs of the events you want to amend and make the required corrections.

  8. Send the amended events to the SPED.

    In the amended events, the content of the Tipo Envio column changes to Retificação.

Voiding EFD-Reinf Events

If you need to remove a previous event, send an R-9000 event to the SPED. The R-9000 event voids the previously sent event, and you can use it to remove the periodic event R-2010 after it has been successfully processed.

To void an event:

  1. Go to Relatórios > BRHub – Obrigações Acessórias > EFD-Reinf.

  2. Click Edit next to the EFD-Reinf report you want.

  3. Under Eventos, check the R-9000 – Exclusão de Eventos box.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Click the Status Transmissão subtab.

  6. Send the R-9000 – Exclusão de Eventos event to the SPED.


    You can send the voided event again later. However, you must change the event’s unique ID number, since it cannot be the same as the one previously sent.

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