SAT Fields for Mexico Foreign Trade

When you install the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp, the SAT and custom catalogs required for conducting foreign trade in Mexico are stored in NetSuite as custom records. Custom fields are automatically integrated or mapped to applicable NetSuite transactions or records to capture information in the SAT catalogs. The values you can choose from these custom fields are sourced from the catalogs.

Most of the SAT custom fields are required by the SAT and you must specify values for them.

The following table summarizes the SAT-required custom fields for foreign trade that are integrated with NetSuite records:

SAT Custom Field Name

NetSuite Records where SAT Custom Field is available

Catalog Record Name in NetSuite


SAT Customs Unit Code (c_UnidadAduana)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Mexico SAT Customs Unit Code

Units of measure defined by the SAT applicable to the quantity expressed for each tariff item.

NetSuite units of measure must correspond to the SAT-defined customs unit codes.

SAT Customs Unit Codes are defined on the Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code page.

SAT Tariff Item Code (c_FraccionArancelaria)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale


Mexico SAT Tariff Item Code

Codes defined by the SAT that classify products and services in foreign trade operations. Tariff item codes must be manually entered in NetSuite. Follow the steps described in SAT Tariff Item Codes.

SAT Reason for Transfer (c_MotivoTraslado)

Item Fulfillment

Mexico SAT Reason for Transfer

Values defined by the SAT that classify the reason for transferring the goods in foreign trade operations.

SAT Incoterm (c_INCOTERM)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Mexico SAT Incoterms

International Terms of Trade from the SAT Incoterm catalog.

Addressee (Destinatario)

CFDI Information

Receiver of the exported goods.

SAT Country (c_Pais)



Mexico SAT Countries

Addressee country.

SAT State (c_Estado)



Mexico SAT States

Addressee state.

SAT City (c_Localidad)



Mexico SAT Cities

Addressee city.

SAT Colonia (c_Colonia)



Mexico SAT Colonias

Addressee colonia.

SAT Village (c_Municipio)



Mexico SAT Villages

Addressee village.

Authorized Exporter Number (NumeroExportadorConfiable)


Number assigned to the approved exporter. Fill in this field if the recipient country belongs to the European Union. It can be up to 50 alphanumeric characters long.


This field is not a SAT-required field and is only included in the PDF version of CFDI.

Certificate of Origin (CertificadoOrigen)


The Certificate of Origin is a document that verifies the country of origin of the goods.

The Certificate of Origin field has two possible values:

  • 0 – the CFDI does not act as a certificate of origin (0 = No funge como certificado de origen).

  • 1 – the CFDI acts as certificate of origin (1 = Funge como certificado de origen).

Certificate of Origin Number (NumCertificadoOrigen)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Unique certificate of origin number. You must enter this value if you selected 1 in the Certificate of Origin field.

Comments (Observaciones)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

You can optionally enter further information you consider important for your Mexico foreign trade operation.

It can be up to 300 alphanumeric characters long.

Customs Quantity (CantidadAduana)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Numeric quantity of goods in relation to the unit of measure entered in the SAT Customs Unit Code field.

Customs Unit Price (ValorUnitarioAduana)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Customs value or price of the unit in U.S. dollars.

USD Customs Amount (TotalUSD)

Item Fulfillment


Cash Sale

Units’ total amount (price) in U.S. dollars.

General Notices