Entering or Editing an Address for Mexico Foreign Trade

After you have installed the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp, you must manage the addresses you will be using on the foreign trade document.

The addresses from your Mexico customers and subsidiary must be submitted to the SAT through the CFDI (XML and PDF).

To enter or edit an address on a Mexico Subsidiary record:

  1. Open the Mexico Subsidiary record for editing.

  2. On the record, click the Address subtab.

  3. Check the Address box to include this address in the CFDI (XML and PDF).

  4. Click the Edit link to open a pop-up window in which you can enter or edit the address field.

  5. In the Colonia (c_Colonia) field, enter the 4–digit code specified on the corresponding SAT catalog, followed by the name of the Colonia separated by a hyphen. For example, 0001 – San Angel.

  6. In the Village (c_Municipio) field, enter the 3–digit code specified on the corresponding SAT catalog, followed by the name of the Village separated by a hyphen. For example, 001 – Aguascalientes.

  7. In the City (c_Localidad) field, enter the 2–digit code specified on the corresponding SAT catalog, followed by the name of the City separated by a hyphen. For example, 01 – Aguascalientes.


    If the Village doesn’t associate with any City based on the SAT Catalogs, then the City field must be empty. To do so, go to Customization > Forms > Address Forms and click on Edit on Mexico form. Clear the City box in the Mandatory column.

  8. Complete all the required fields. For more information about the rest of the address fields, see Entering an Address on a Record.

  9. Click OK to save and close the pop-up window.

  10. Click Save.

To enter or edit an address on a Foreign Customer record:

  1. Open the CFDI (XML and PDF). Customer record addresses are included in the ‘Receptor’ (Customer) node and ‘Destinario’ (Addressee) node.

  2. Open the Customer record for editing.

  3. On the record, click the Address subtab.

  4. Check the Default Billing box to include this address in the CFDI (XML and PDF).

  5. Check the Edit icon (or the Edit link) to open a pop-up window in which you can enter or edit the address field.

  6. For the non-Mexican customers, select the country and complete the fields.

  7. Complete all the required fields for each country. For more information about the rest of the address fields, see Entering an Address on a Record.

  8. Click OK to save and close the pop-up window.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Repeat these steps for each address to be used with a foreign trade document.

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