Electronic Invoicing for Mexico Foreign Trade


The Mexico Localization and Electronic Invoicing SuiteApps are required for generating Mexico Foreign Trade e-documents. For more information, see Mexico Localization SuiteApp Installation and Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide.

The Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp provides features designed to meet Mexico electronic invoicing requirements when conducting trade with foreign companies.

The Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp enables you to generate and process e-documents for exports and imports. It includes Mexico-specific custom fields that comply with the SAT specifications for issuing CFDIs in foreign trade operations. These Mexico-specific custom fields are available when certain criteria are met. For more information, see Mexico Context.

The following table lists the transaction types currently delivered by Mexico Foreign Trade:

Exports (Outbound)

Imports (Inbound)


Cash Sale

Item fulfillment

The XML e-documents generated from the supported transactions require certification from the SAT before being forwarded to customers.

In Mexico, PACs (certification providers authorized by the SAT) are responsible for all communications between NetSuite and the Mexican tax authority for certification purposes.

After the CFDI is approved and stamped by the SAT, the PAC returns the certified CFDI to NetSuite.

The Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp includes integration with the following pre-configured Mexican PACs:


You can also integrate NetSuite with other PACs certified by the SAT. For information about setting up Electronic Invoicing, see Electronic Invoicing Administrator Guide.

The SuiteApp also includes the following defaults:

The templates are adapted to the specific format used by the PAC to fulfill SAT standards.

As soon as the CFDI is certified, a printable version becomes available for download. The PDF version is stored in the File Cabinet.

In addition to financial information, the printable version of the CFDI includes the following fields:



CSD Serial Number

Unique identifier assigned by the SAT to the issuer’s digital seal.

Original String

Encrypted version of the electronic invoicing in XML format.

CFDI Signature

Issuer’s digital seal obtained after signing the CFDI original string.

It authenticates the authorship of digital tax receipts.

SAT Signature

SAT’s digital seal obtained after signing the CFDI.

Certification Time Stamp

Date and time when the CFDI was certified by the SAT (the time zone is based on the PAC selected).

SAT Serial Number

Unique identifier assigned by the SAT to the CFDI.


PAC’s tax registration number.

QR Code

Two-dimensional bar code that encodes a URL containing transaction details. This code enables you to validate the authenticity of the transaction.





An advanced PDF template is delivered with the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp. To customize the layout of the template, go to Customizations > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates and search for Mexico Certified (transaction) PDF Template. For more information about the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates feature, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.


When customizing a Mexico transaction form, select the Standard (transaction) PDF/HTML Template from the Print Template and Email Template dropdown lists. Do not select the Mexico Certified (transaction) PDF Template on this record. The Mexico Certified (transaction) PDF Template is used for Certification processes and, therefore, must be specified on the PAC Configuration record only.

You can send the generated e-documents (XML and PDF) to your customers. For more information, see Sending and Resending E-Documents.

To learn more about the outbound electronic invoicing process, see Outbound Electronic Invoicing.

General Notices