Sales Account Reclassification for Mexico Foreign Trade


The reclassification of sales accounts applies for Invoice and Cash Sale Foreign Trade transactions only.


Only Administrator, Accountant and CFO roles have access to the Foreign Trade Account Mapping record, however each role comes with a restriction:

  • Administrator can fully perform the reclassification of accounts

  • Accountant can only reclassify the accounts for the subsidiaries the role has access to

  • CFO can not perform reclassification, only access the record

The Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp enables you to generate and process e-documents for exports and imports in foreign trade transactions. Some export scenarios require for transactions to be executed under a specific income account.

Foreign Trade Account Mapping record enables you to reclassify the general sales account to a foreign trade account, to reflect these export scenarios in the general ledger.

To manage Sales Account Reclassification for Foreign Trade transactions:

  1. (Optional) Before you start mapping, check that you have a standard sales account already created in your list of accounts:

    • Go to Setup > Accounting > Chart of Accounts > Search

    • Under Type, choose Income

  2. Check the general sales account you want to map from:

    • Go to Setup > Accounting > Accounting Preferences

    • In the Items/Transactions subtab, the account is listed under Default Income Account

  3. Assign the Default Income Account to the item record you want to reclassify:

    • Go to Lists > Accounting > Item

    • Click Edit

    • In the Accounting subtab, click on the drop-down list under Income Account.

    • Select the account from the drop-down list, that matches the default income account from step 2.

  4. Check the Custom GL Plug-in is turned on:

    • Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins

    • Under the Custom GL Plug-in, check the MFT GL Lines Plugin Implementation plug-in.

  5. Go to Setup > Mexico Foreign Trade > Foreign Trade Account Mapping

  6. Click on New Foreign Trade Account Mapping to create a new mapping.

  7. Select a Subsidiary and Foreign Trade Income Account you want to map, the Default Income Account is filled automatically according to your Accounting Preferences.

  8. Click Save. Your new mapping will appear in the list on the Foreign Trade Account Mapping main page.

  9. After you create a transaction (Invoice or Cash Sale) using the Foreign Trade Account Mapping feature, click on GL Impact subtab on your transaction record to see the account reclassification.


If you want to use the account reclassification for your transaction, check the Foreign Trade box in your Invoice or Cash Sale transaction record.

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