Mexico Foreign Trade Installation

This section includes the following topics:

Prerequisites for Installing the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp

To use the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp, ensure your account meets the following prerequisites:


If you want to use the Assembly Items feature, you must enable the feature before installing Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp. For more information, see Assembly Items

Installing the Required SuiteCloud Features

To use the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp, you must enable some SuiteCloud features first.

To install SuiteCloud features

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enable Features

  2. Click the SuiteCloud subtab.

  3. In the SuiteBuilder section, check the following boxes:

    • Item Options

    • Custom Records

    • Advanced PDF/HTML Templates

  4. In the SuiteScript section, check the following boxes:

    • Client SuiteScript

    • Server SuiteScript

  5. In the SuiteFlow section, check the following box:

    • SuiteFlow

  6. In the Suite GL section, check the following box:

    • Custom GL Lines

  7. In the SuiteTalk section, check the following box:

    • Soap Web Services

  8. For imports, click the Items & Inventory subtab. In the Inventory section, check the Serialized Inventory and Lot Tracking boxes.


The Administrator, Accountant and CFO standard roles must be set to active so the installation can run correctly.

For more information about SuiteCloud features, see SuiteCloud Features.

For information about setting up Mexico-specific preferences, see Setting Up Mexico-specific Preferences.

Required SuiteApps

After you have enabled the required SuiteCloud features, install the following SuiteApps:


You should install the SuiteApps listed here before installing the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp.

  • Mexico Localization

  • Electronic Invoicing

  • SuiteTax Engine

  • SuiteTax Data Records

  • Country–Specific Address Forms

  • Localization Assistant

Installing the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp

Mexico Foreign Trade is a public and managed SuiteApp that is automatically updated whenever enhancements or new features are added. To install this SuiteApp, you must have permission and access to the SuiteApp Marketplace. For more information about viewing SuiteApps listed in the Marketplace, see Viewing SuiteApps in the SuiteApp Marketplace.

To install the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp:

  1. In NetSuite, go to SuiteApps.

  2. In the Search Apps input field, enter Mexico Foreign Trade.

  3. Click Mexico Foreign Trade.

  4. In the top right of the SuiteApp details page, click Install.

  5. Wait for the installation to complete.

    To understand the installation status, read the help topic Installing from the SuiteApp Marketplace.

Granting Access to Scripts and Plug-ins for the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp

If you have the Administrator role, you can grant access to script deployments for Mexico Foreign Trade.

To grant access to script deployments for the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.


    The standard roles such as Administrator, Accountant, CFO roles and roles derived from them have granted access to script deployment for Mexico Foreign Trade by default.

  2. To provide roles with access to the Mexico Foreign Trade Setup feature, do the following:

    1. Click the Edit link next to each of the following script deployments:

      • Mexico Foreign Trade CS SAT Tariff Item Code (ID: customscript_mft_cs_sat_tariff_item_code)

      • Mexico Foreign Trade CS Account Mapping (ID: customscript_mft_cs_account_mapping)

      • Mexico Foreign Trade box on Transactions to provide access to roles for each ‘Record Type’ (ID: customscript_mft_cs_if_so_cs_in_loc)

      • ‘Default Income Account’ on Foreign Trade Account Mapping to enable Mexico Foreign Trade sales reclassification (ID: mft_ue_ft_account_mapping)

    2. On the Audience subtab, click the roles to which you want to give access.

    3. Click Save.

To grant access to plug-ins for the Mexico Foreign Trade SuiteApp:

  1. Go to Customization > Plug-ins > Manage Plug-ins.

  2. Under the LRC Field Manager, check the MFT LRC PLUGIN IMPL box.

  3. Click Save.

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General Notices