Creating a Saved Search With Expense Categories

You may want to analyze expenditure across various expense categories. For example, you may want to create a report that shows month on month expenditure on client entertainment. The following procedure explains how to create a saved search based on expense categories.

To create a saved search using expense categories:

  1. Go to Transactions Overview.

  2. In Transaction Search select Expense report in the Type field and then select Search.

  3. On Transaction Results, select Edit this Search to create a Saved search.

  4. Enter Search Title, Owner, and then select the availability.

  5. On Criteria subtab, select the filter you want to use from the scroll list. In this case, Expense Category.

  6. A new window appears that includes more details, for example all expense categories that are set up on your account.

  7. Select the filter Any of or None of and then choose one category from the list. (You can create new categories in Setup > Accounting > Expense Categories > New.) Save your selection by clicking the Set button.

  8. Save your search.

  9. Filtered results are returned.

Searching Transactions Using Expenses

You can search expense reports at Transactions > Employees > Enter Expense Reports > Search. You can choose an expense category as a search criteria or result.

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