Receiving Expenses

A purchase order is your authorization for a vendor to provide items, materials or services to your company. In NetSuite, you can create purchase orders for expenses as well as items.

To receive expenses, you must be able to add expenses to purchase orders. To enable this preference, an administrator can go to Setup > Accounting > Preferences > Accounting Preferences . Check the Allow Expenses on Purchase Orders box, and click Save.

You can now create purchase orders for expenses.

Expenses are not physical items that you receive. However, it is still important to record that the expenses have been accounted for.

For example, your Marketing Director enters a purchase order for advertising. Advertising is not an item that is delivered and received, but you want to make sure that your ad appears correctly. After the ads are verified, you can mark the advertising expense received.

To receive expenses:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Receive Order.

  2. In the Vendor field, select the vendor from the list, or select All to list all open purchase orders.

  3. In the Process column, click Receive next to the purchase order you would like to receive.


    You cannot partially receive expenses. If you change the amount on the bill, you receive the purchase order and bill for the revised total.

  4. Click Save.

To pay the bill for this purchase order, go to Transactions > Payables > Pay Bills.

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