Landed Cost Billed Together With an Inventory Item on One Bill With Advanced Receiving

The following example shows how landed cost can be billed along with an inventory item on one bill with advanced receiving.


This example is not applicable for Standard Cost items. For an example on using landed cost with standard cost items, see Landed Cost With Standard Cost Items.

To bill landed cost together with an inventory item on one bill with advanced receiving:

  1. When the items are delivered, enter the item receipt.

  2. When the items are billed, enter the vendor bill.

    When you enter the bill, click the Expenses and Items subtab. Verify that the Items subtab includes either an inventory item marked Track Landed Cost or a landed cost item, such as Freight. If the bill does not include one of the two, the vendor bill does not show in the Transaction field of the Landed Cost subtab.

    For more information, see Creating a Landed Cost Item.

  3. Select a landed cost category for each line-item you enter. For example, if you select the landed cost item Freight, select the landed cost category Shipping.

    Selecting a category determines where the bill appears as a Transaction source on the Landed Cost subtab. For example, you select the category Shipping. This vendor bill appears in the Transaction source list for the Shipping category. It does not appear in the list for the Duty category.

  4. Enter reference information in the Memo field of the bill header. The memo text appears in the Transaction list when you select a source transaction. You can search for memo text.

  5. Edit the item receipt you entered in step 1 to associate landed costs by doing one of the following on the Landed Cost subtab:

    • Select Other Transaction as the Source. In the Transaction field, select the vendor bill you entered.

    • Select Manual as the Source and then enter the landed cost amount manually.

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