Landed Cost Billed Together With an Inventory Item on One Bill Without Advanced Receiving

The following example shows how to bill landed cost together with an inventory item on one bill without Advanced Receiving.


This example is not applicable for Standard Cost items. For an example on using landed cost with standard cost items, see Landed Cost With Standard Cost Items.

To bill landed cost together with an inventory item on one bill without Advanced Receiving:

  1. When the items are delivered, enter the item receipt.

  2. Verify that item records for the appropriate items on the receipt are marked Track Landed Cost.

  3. When you receive the bill from the vendor, edit the purchase order to add a landed cost item for the amount of the delivery fee.

    On the Landed Cost subtab of the purchase order, select This Transaction in the Source field next to the appropriate category.

    Make this selection to source items on this transaction to calculate the landed cost amount for this category. The total landed cost amount is the sum of amounts for all items on this bill or receipt associated with this landed cost category.

    For example, you enter an item receipt that includes 2 inventory items associated with Duty landed costs and 2 associated with Shipping landed costs.

    If you select This Transaction for the Shipping category, the landed cost is the sum of the 2 inventory items amounts associated with Shipping. The Duty items are excluded.


    This option is available only on transactions when you do not use Advanced Receiving. If you use Advanced Receiving, the allocation must occur on the inventory receipt transaction.

  4. When you save the edited purchase order, the landed cost is allocated as indicated.

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