Setting Up City-Specific Requirements (Brazilian Hub Reporting SuiteApp)

Some cities supported by the municipal statutory reports feature have specific requirements that you must meet before generating the reports.

Setting Up São Carlos (SP) Requirements

The city of São Carlos (SP) requires that you set the Tipo da Nota Fiscal field in all posted vendor bill transactions. This field indicates the type of electronic invoice associated with the transaction.

To set the type of electronic invoice in a vendor bill:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  2. Click Edit next to the transaction you want.

  3. Click the NFS-e subtab.

  4. In the Tipo da Nota Fiscal field, select NFS-e.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Up Curitiba (PR) Requirements

The city of Curitiba (PR) requires that you set the Município do Serviço Prestado field in all posted vendor bill transactions. This field indicates the city where the company provided the service.

This rule applies even if the service vendor is from another city. The system adds the information set in this field to the ISS report for Curitiba.

To set the city where the company provided the service in a vendor bill:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  2. Click Edit next to the transaction you want.

  3. Click the NFS-e subtab.

  4. In the Município do Serviço Prestado field, select the city where the company provided the service.

  5. Click Save.

Setting Up Florianópolis (SC) Requirements

The following topics cover the requirements for the generation of statutory reports for the city of Florianópolis (SC).

Entering the Municipal Tax Registration Number on the Vendor Record

The city of Florianópolis (SC) requires you to enter the municipal tax registration number on the vendor record.

To enter the municipal tax registration number on the vendor record:

  1. Go to Lists > Relationships > Vendors.

  2. Click Edit next to the vendor record you want.

  3. Click the Financial subtab.

  4. In the Municipal Subscription field, enter the municipal tax registration number.

    The system includes the municipal tax registration number in the Guia de Informação Fiscal (GIF) and the Declaração Eletrônica de Serviços (DES) files as the vendor’s Cadastro Municipal do Contribuinte (CMC).

  5. Click Save.

Setting the CFPS and CST Codes in a Vendor Bill

The city of Florianópolis (SC) requires you to enter the Código Fiscal de Prestação de Serviços (CFPS) and Código de Situação Tributárias (CST) codes in all posted vendor bill transactions.

The system uses the codes to determine if it needs to include the book value (VC), calculation basis (BC), and rate (AL) in the GIF or in the DES Tomados files.

To set the CFPS and CST codes in a vendor bill:

  1. Go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  2. Click Edit next to the transaction you want.

  3. Click the NFS-e subtab.

  4. In the CFPS field, select the CTPS code.

  5. In the CST ISS Florianópolis field, select the CST code.

  6. Click Save.

Entering Taxation Codes in a Service for Purchase Item Record

The city of Florianópolis (SC) requires you to enter the city's taxation code for each service for purchase item you want to include in the report.

To enter taxation codes in a service for purchase item record:

  1. Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.

  2. Click View next to the item record you want.

  3. Click the Custom subtab.

  4. Click the Município itens subtab.

  5. Click New Municípios Itens.

    1. In the Município field, select Florianópolis - SC.

    2. In the Código Tributação field, enter the taxation code for this service.

      The GIF and DES files require the taxation code to link the Classificação Nacional de Atividades Econômicas (CNAE) of the purchased service, which appears in the generated reports.

    3. Click Save.

Related Topics

General Notices