Managing Mexico Fleet Codes


Only the Administrator, Accountant, and CFO roles have access to the Mexico Fleet Code custom record. If you want to grant other roles access to the Mexico Fleet Code custom record, you can create or customize a role and add custom record permissions to it. For instructions on customizing roles, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles. For more information about setting permissions for custom records, see Setting Permissions for Custom Records.

The Mexico Fleet Code page included with the SuiteApp enables you to add new fleet types to NetSuite and all the related information required by the SAT. Before generating transactions with a bill of lading document (complemento carta porte), you must configure the fleet you will be using for moving goods. The information entered becomes available at transaction level.

To enter a new fleet code:

  1. Go to Setup > Mexico Bill of Lading> Manage Fleet

  2. Click New.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the fleet.

  4. From the Fleet Type list, select the type of transport fleet.

    1. If you are adding a road vehicle, complete the following fields:

      1. From the Vehicle Configuration Code list, select the code that corresponds to the vehicle configuration of the fleet.

      2. In the Plate field, enter the plate number of the vehicle used for moving goods. It can only contain alphanumeric characters, without any hyphens or spaces.

      3. In the Model Year field, enter the model year of the vehicle used for moving goods.

      4. From the SCT Permit list, select the code provided by the SCT (Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transporte) that corresponds to the vehicle type used for moving goods.

      5. In the SCT Permit Number field, enter the number of the SCT permit.

      6. In the Liability Insurance Company Name field, enter the name of the insurance company that covers the vehicle used for moving goods.

      7. In the Liability Insurance Policy Number field, enter the policy number provided by your vehicle insurer.

      8. In the Environmental Damage Insurance Company Name field, enter the name of the insurance company that covers environmental damage.

      9. In the Environmental Damage Insurance Policy Number field, enter the policy number provided by your environmental damage insurer.

      10. In the Freight Transportation Insurance Company Name field, enter the name of the insurance company that covers the freight transportation for moving goods.

      11. In the Freight Transportation Insurance Policy Number field, enter the policy number provided by your freight transportation insurer.

      12. In the Insurance Premium Amount field, enter the amount for the price of the hired insurance premium, considering the additional cost accorded by the driver and customer.

    2. If you are adding a trailer, complete the following fields:

      1. From the Trailer Type list, select the code that corresponds to the type of trailer or semi-trailer used with the road vehicle for moving goods.

      2. In the Plate field, enter the plate number of the trailer. It can only contain alphanumeric characters, without any hyphens or spaces.

  5. Click Save.

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