Shoppers Who Added Items to the Cart, But Did Not Make a Purchase

Create this search to see who added items to their online cart, but did not complete the purchase of those items. To provide details relevant to your current initiatives, the search captures the events within the time frame you enter.

Saved Search

Search type: Customer

Select filter: Session Record

Criteria Tab

Results Tab

Subtab: Standard

  • Filter: Session Record: User Interaction: Action Type

    Description: is Add to Cart

  • Filter: Transaction: Amount

    Description: is empty

  • Filter: Session Record: User Interaction: Time

    Description: is within last month

Sort By: Company Name (ascending)

Subtab: Columns


  • ID

  • Company Name

  • Email

  • Session Record: User Interaction: Item

  • Session Record: User Interaction: Time


The result fields shown here serve as an example. You can choose from the available fields to tailor the results for your business model.

Criteria Tab

Example criteria for this use case.

Example criteria tab setup

Results Tab

Example results setup for this use case.

Example results tab setup

Results Preview

Example preview for this use case.

Example results preview setup

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