Creating Parameter Types in the SuiteTax Latam Engine


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Taxes can apply depending on criteria other than tax regimes, lines of business, or items involved in the transaction. Some countries may establish specific codes or conditions that define different scenarios for determining a tax. For example, countries can establish tax brackets, or minimum amounts for collection or payment.

In NetSuite, you can use tax parameters to provide additional criteria that the system should consider in the tax determination process. Tax parameters can indicate to SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-ins whether to modify the way they calculate a tax. The plug-ins must be prepared to consider the appropriate parameters when determining and calculating taxes.

To set a tax parameter, you must have at least one parameter type record in your account. The parameter is then set on tax determination settings and tax code records. In those records, you can associate the parameter type with a parameter value.

For more information about associating a parameter type with a tax code or tax determination settings, see the following help topics:

To create a parameter type:

  1. Go to Setup > Latam Tax Determination > Parameter Type > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the parameter.

    NetSuite displays this name when you select the parameter type on other records.

  3. In the Tax Code field, select one or more tax codes to which the parameter type applies.

  4. In the Available For field, select one or more types of record with which this parameter type can be associated.

    When you define the record types for which the parameter type is available, NetSuite will display the parameter on the selected record type.

    • Tax code – The parameter type becomes available for selection in tax code records.

    • Tax determination rules – The parameter type becomes available for selection in tax determination rules records.

  5. (Optional) In the Type of Value field, select the type of information you can enter as the parameter value for this parameter type.

    When you set a type of value, NetSuite validates the type of information you enter in the Parameter Value field with this parameter type. If you do not set a type of value, no restrictions apply to the Parameter Value field.

  6. In the Parameter Key field, enter the key that identifies this parameter in the SuiteTax Latam Engine plug-in.

    In general, the parameter key has the format of a variable, spelled in uppercase and separated by underscores. For example, PARAMETER_KEY.

  7. (Optional) If you want to include details about the parameter, in the Description field, enter a summary of the parameter.

  8. Click Save.

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