Entering Return Authorizations from Invoices or Vendor Bills with Electronic Invoice for Goods Generation (Brazilian Hub SuiteApp)

You can issue a return authorization from an existing invoice or vendor bill and generate an electronic invoice for goods (NF-e) from it.

To enter a return authorization from an invoice or vendor bill:

  1. Open the list of records for the type of transaction you want to use to create the return authorization:

    • To create a return authorization from an invoice, go to Transactions > Sales > Create Invoices > List.

    • To create a return authorization from a vendor bill, go to Transactions > Payables > Enter Bills > List.

  2. Find the transaction from which you want to create a return and click View.

  3. At the top of the page, click Authorize Return.

    NetSuite creates a new return authorization transaction populated with information from the original transaction.

  4. Under Informações Fiscais, in the Natureza da Operação field, select the transaction nature of the electronic invoice.

  5. Click the Items subtab and review the items listed in the transaction.

  6. (Optional) Delete the items you do not want to return from the Items subtab.

  7. In the CFOP column, enter the Código Fiscal de Operações e de Prestações (CFOP) code of the item.

    Do this for every item you want to return.

  8. Click Save.

    The system saves the transaction and the Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  9. Click Generate E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully generated, the Send E-Document button appears at the top.

  10. Click Send E-Document.

    If the e-document is successfully sent, a confirmation message appears at the top of the page.

  11. To view the electronic invoice generated, click the NF-e subtab.

  12. Under Links, click Visualizar NF-e.

    This shows a mirror image of the electronic invoice.

  13. (Optional) To download the NF-e XML file to your computer, click Visualizar XML NF-e.

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