Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync Installation and Setup

To install and set up Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync, you must have the Administrator role and complete the following consecutive steps:

  1. Make sure you have the NSPB Sync SuiteApp installed, configured, and fully operational. For complete instructions, see NSPB Sync Setup Guide.

  2. Install the Planning and Budgeting Sync Foundation SuiteApp. See Installing the Planning and Budgeting Sync Foundation SuiteApp.

  3. Install the Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync SuiteApp. See Installing the Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync SuiteApp.

  4. Set up an integration user with proper permissions in NetSuite. You can either use the NSPB Sync integration user, or create a dedicated user for your integration with Planning and Budgeting Financials. For complete instructions, see Setting Up the Integration User.

  5. Create or customize saved searches to load data and metadata from NetSuite to Planning and Budgeting Financials. For the list of saved searches, see Saved Searches for Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync. For information about creating and customizing the saved searches, see Managing the Planning and Budgeting Financials Sync Saved Searches.

  6. Create default configurations in your NetSuite account for selected features. See Setting Up Default Configurations.

  7. Manually download integration artifacts and import them to Planning and Budgeting Financials. See Downloading Planning and Budgeting Financials Integration Artifacts.

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