Prerequisites for Single Page Applications

The Single Page Application (SPA) feature is available by request only. This feature requires the use of SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) SuiteApp projects and SuiteScript 2.1. For information about the requirements to use this feature and how to request access, see Requesting Access to the Single Page Application Feature.

When the feature has been enabled in your account, you also will be able to access the NetSuite UI Framework (UIF).

Before you can start developing SPAs, you must ensure that you have set up the following prerequisites in your account:

Required Features and Tools

Related Help Topic

Enable the following SuiteScript features:

  • Client SuiteScript

  • Server SuiteScript

Enabling SuiteScript

Enable the SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) feature and set up the requirements for SDF.

SuiteCloud Development Framework Setup

Enable the following authentication features:

  • Token-Based Authentication

  • OAuth 2.0

Enable the Token-based Authentication Feature

Enable the OAuth 2.0 Feature

Install Node.js from Node.js Downloads (if you do not have it installed).

Set up your preferred development tool. You can choose from the following SuiteCloud Software Development Kit (SDK) tools:

SuiteCloud Plug-ins and Extensions

SuiteCloud CLIs

Related Topics

General Notices