SuiteCloud Plug-ins and Extensions

Use these tools to work with an IDE plug-in or an extension and take advantage of an intuitive user interface to develop SuiteCloud projects.

SuiteCloud IDE plug-ins and extensions, designed for NetSuite platform development, provide object XML definitions used in SuiteCloud projects. You can interact with File Cabinet files and SDF custom objects, create projects and SuiteScript files, and deploy and validate SuiteCloud projects. All these actions can be performed easily to different accounts thanks to an straightforward account management.

The following IDE plug-ins and extensions are available:

SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

If you prefer a JavaScript and TypeScript based extension with built-in support for Node.js, see SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code Overview.

Additionally, to see how to run the basic functionalities of SuiteCloud Extension for VS Code, watch the following video:

SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

If you prefer a JavaScript and TypeScript-based IDE, see SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm Overview.

SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse


As of NetSuite 2022.2, there will be no new releases for SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse. SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for Eclipse remains available, but no further features will be added, and issues will not be fixed. For our latest development tools, consider transitioning to SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code, SuiteCloud IDE Plug-In for WebStorm, or SuiteCloud CLI for Node.js.

If you prefer a Java-based IDE, see SuiteCloud IDE for Eclipse Guide.

Due to Eclipse not receiving any further updates, the documentation is only available in PDF format.

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