SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code Overview


Starting February 2025, SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code version 1.6.0, which supports Token-Based Authentication (TBA) and OAuth 1.0, will no longer be available for new installations. If you are still using older versions of the tool, you should upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible. The latest version of SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code is version 2.0.0, and this version uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization. For more information, see Removal of OAuth 1.0 Token-Based Authentication Support in SuiteCloud SDK (SuiteAnswer ID 1019514).

SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code (VS Code) provides a user interface for NetSuite platform development using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). SDF is a development framework and deployment mechanism.

To get started with SuiteCloud Extension for VS Code, see Installing and Setting Up SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code.

You can do the following tasks in SuiteCloud Extension for VS Code for SuiteCloud projects:

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