Deploying a SuiteCloud Project to Your NetSuite Account with SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code

You can deploy the folder containing the project. The project folder is zipped before deployment including only the files and folders referenced in the deploy.xml file, which is automatically generated when you create a SuiteCloud project. By default, the file is configured to deploy all supported files in the File Cabinet folder and all SDF custom objects in the Objects folder.

For information about preparing your SuiteCloud project for deployment, see SuiteCloud Project Deployment Preparation.

To deploy a SuiteCloud project to your NetSuite account:

  1. In VS Code, open the Command Palette and type suitecloud.

  2. From the dropdown list, select SuiteCloud: Deploy Project.

  3. If your project is a SuiteApp and you want to apply settings from the hiding.xml, locking.xml, and overwriting.xml files, select Yes when prompted.

  4. If your project is an ACP, select what you want to do if the project contains account-specific values, Cancel the deployment process or Display a warning and continue the deployment process.

    The project is deployed to your account.


    The project is also validated during the deploy action.

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