Creating a SuiteCloud Project in SuiteCloud Extension for Visual Studio Code

You can create a SuiteCloud project to develop SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) Account Customization Projects and SuiteApps, for internal use within your organization or for commercial distribution. SuiteCloud projects are file-based, and use XML definitions of SDF custom objects.

To learn more about the SuiteCloud project types, see:

To create a SuiteCloud project:

  1. In VS Code, open the Command Palette and type suitecloud.

    From the dropdown list, select SuiteCloud: Create Project.

  2. Select the parent folder for your new SuiteCloud project, and then click Select Folder.


    You can select the same parent folder for different SuiteCloud projects, because each project is automatically created in a subfolder of the selected parent folder. Also, do not create a SuiteCloud project in another SuiteCloud project subfolder.

  3. In the Command Palette, select the type of project you want to create. For example, SuiteApp Project.

  4. Enter a name for your new SuiteCloud project and press Enter. For example currency.

  5. Enter a version to assign to your project and press Enter. A project version, the publisher ID and the project ID are required when creating projects of SuiteApp type.

    Project versions use semantic versioning. For example, if your SuiteApp is version 1.02, minor revision #01242017, specify the following project version:

  6. Choose if you want to include unit testing with the Jest testing framework, by selecting either Yes or No.

    The SuiteCloud project is created for you, with the operation status displayed in the Output tab. When the SuiteCloud project is created, you can choose how to open the project by selecting either This Window or New Window. If there is already a SuiteCloud project open in the current window, selecting This Window closes that project and opens the one you created.

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