Updating GST Return Declarant Designation Details

Singapore Localization lets you update the Declarant Designation details in your GST F5 Return form to comply with the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) requirements.


The Tax Filing permission must already be added in your account before you can update Declarant Designation details. Contact your administrator. For more information, see Roles and Permissions in Tax Reporting Framework.

To update the Declarant Designation details of your GST F5 Return:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. From the Subsidiary list, select your subsidiary.

  3. From the Nexus list, select your Singapore nexus.

  4. From the Report Name list, select GST F5 Return. The Set Up Tax Filing button appears when you select GSTF Return in the Report Name field.

  5. Click Set Up Tax Filing.

  6. Refer to the following table for entering values in the GST Return Declaration section of the Set Up Singapore Tax Filing page.



    Declarant Designation

    Enter the job title or role that you want to appear in the Declarant section of the GST F5 Return.

    Contact Person

    Enter the name of the person responsible for communicating with IRAS on behalf of your company.

    Contact Telephone Number

    Enter the 8-digit telephone number of the designated contact person.

    Contact Email

    Enter the email address of the designated contact person.

  7. Click Save.

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