Viewing the Job Execution Logs

To find detailed information about the plug-in script error, you need to access the job execution logs in NetSuite.

To view the log of the executed job and plug-in script:

  1. In NetSuite, go to NetSuite EPM > Planning and Budgeting > Manage Jobs.

  2. In the displayed list of jobs, click Logs next to the job that ended with Plugin Error. This opens the Planning and Budgeting Job Execution Log page where you can see the following:

    • Details and the status of the executed job and plug-in script.

    • Basic description of the job failure or plug-in error.

  3. If the job was executed successfully, clicking the View link takes you to a NetSuite page with the content of the log file. On the NetSuite page, you can do the following:

    1. Choose between the Full or Summary view of the log file content.

    2. Click the Download button to save the required log file to disk.

  4. Click Back to return to the Planning and Budgeting Job Execution Log page.

  5. To view all the plug-in execution logs for troubleshooting, do the following:

    1. Click the Plugin Execution Logs link to the NSPB | MR Job Plugin Executor script deployment record.

    2. To view all your script logs, click the Execution Log subtab.

    3. To view your debug level logs for troubleshooting, click the Deployments subtab, and do the following for all the listed script deployment records:

      1. Click the link to a script deployment record.

      2. On the script deployment record, click the Edit button.

      3. Set the Log Level field to Debug.

      4. Click Save.

      5. To return to the list of script deployment records, click the NSPB | MR Job Plugin Executor link at the top of the page.

      6. Click the Deployments subtab, and repeat these steps for all the other script deployment records in the list.


      When you finish troubleshooting, make sure you change the log level to Audit. This ensures that your data is not exposed in the logs.

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