Creating Labor Codes

Accurate labor codes enable you to define the competencies (skills, qualifications, or certifications) needed to perform specific operations. Defined labor codes help prevent potential errors and issues that might arise when unskilled operators perform jobs they are not trained to do.

To edit existing Labor Codes, go to Advanced Manufacturing > Administration/Setup > Labor Codes and then click Edit beside the code.

To create a labor code:

  1. Go to Advanced Manufacturing > Administration/Setup > Labor Codes > New.

  2. Select the Location you want to apply this labor code to.

  3. Enter a Planning Skill Code (Mfg WB Labor).

    Skill codes describe an operation's labor needs. For example, Welding.

  4. Enter a descriptive Labor Code name. For example, Apprentice Welder or Certified Welder.

  5. If you use a scanner to capture labor, enter a scanner bar code in the Labor Scanning Code field.

    You can use an abbreviation of the reason, excluding any spaces or special characters.

  6. To help improve reporting, enter a complete labor code Description.

  7. Click Save.


    The Cost Type and Base Rate fields are used for reporting only.

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