Map/Reduce Script Stages

The map/reduce script type goes through at least two of five possible stages.

The stages are processed in the following order. Note that each stage must complete before the next stage begins.


It is not required to use both the map stage and the reduce stage. You may skip one of those stages.

The following diagram illustrates these stages, in the context of processing a set of invoices.

In this example, the stages are used as follows:

For a code sample similar to this example, see Processing Invoices Example.


Passing Data to a Map or Reduce Stage

To prevent unintended alteration of data when it is passed between stages, key-value pairs are always serialized into strings. For map/reduce scripts, SuiteScript 2.x checks if the data passed to the next stage is a string, and uses JSON.stringify() to convert the key or value into a string as necessary.

Objects serialized to JSON remain in JSON format. To avoid possible errors, SuiteScript does not automatically deserialize the data. For example, an error might result from an attempt to convert structured data types (such as CSV or XML) that are not valid JSON. At your discretion, you can use JSON.parse() to convert the JSON string back into a native JS object.

The character limit for keys in map/reduce scripts (specifically, in mapContext or reduceContext objects) is 3,000 characters. In addition, error messages are returned when a key is longer than 3,000 characters or a value is larger than 10 MB. Keys longer than 3,000 characters will return the error KEY_LENGTH_IS_OVER_3000_BYTES. Values larger than 10 MB will return the error VALUE_LENGTH_IS_OVER_10_MB.

If you have map/reduce scripts that use the mapContext.write(options) or reduceContext.write(options) methods, make sure that key strings are shorter than 3,000 characters and value strings are smaller than 10 MB. Make sure that you consider the potential length of any dynamically generated strings, which may exceed these limits. You should also avoid using keys, instead of values, to pass your data.

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